Muddy's Health & Safety Plan - March 2020

Muddy's Health & Safety Plan - March 2020

(there's a newer post re: current operations HERE, March 16, 2020)

Update Sat, MARCH 21:

WOW. How much changes in 10 days... I believe most of you have been following along with our updates on newer blog posts & our "daily menu" page, but just in case, I want to clarify why we enacted our Plan B (closing the Midtown shop) earlier this week.  Thanks for the prompt to update this go to a customer who asked if we closed because staff has tested positive... (spoiler- no, as of today, no one on my team has tested positive). 
To see the original post from March 12, please scroll down a bit.

When I made the original plan (below) I had not yet grasped the full scope of what could happen and how many ways our small business would and could be impacted by this situation (and frankly, I am terrified for the ramifications still to come)-- I was doing my level best to get out in front by having a documented plan at all and believed the best course of action was to share it not only with my team, but with our broader community, an action I'm still very proud of :) 

No, none of my employees- at any location- has tested positive and I have no reason to believe any have been exposed.  And they are all taking this very seriously. 
However, we have seen our entire industry crash in a matter of days and know that this is only the tip of the iceberg.  As I write this update, over 7 million food service & retail workers are out of jobs.  Friends with small businesses have already had to lay off staff and close their doors, some forever.  Muddy's is still standing, but we know that day-to-day sustainability is our new mode of operation and that every additional day we get is a blessing.  
Midtown was chosen ahead of time to be the first to close if we needed to condense our operation because of the same reasons the mayor halted all dining- in across the city a few days later--- of our three workplaces, it has the most "common surface area" and as such, would be the hardest to maintain "operating room" level health measures-- that much publicly accessible space, in this environment, is a safety concern.  We did it voluntarily and early in the interest of safety for our customers and staff... and the hope of overall sustainability for Muddy's.
THANK YOU to everyone for your support & encouragement, not just to me but my whole team. They have been the most courageous, generous, and adaptable humans on the planet this last ten days and I am so, so proud to be on their team.  Stay safe out there.  Thank you for supporting local small business!



Dear friends,

In the interest of public safety, we are making some adjustments to our daily operations.  

In considering how to respond, we are weighing the health & safety of our business, our employees, and our customers, but also considering our role as citizens of a larger community.  We want to safeguard our team and their needs while also being PROACTIVE to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. This is a situation in which we all have a responsibility to think big picture for our city and neighbors.

Of course, as a food service business we already practice the recommended hand washing, elbow bumps in lieu of handshakes, etc, but we have increased frequency and diligence as well as adopted some additional precautions.  Below is a summary of our safety plan with notes for how some changes may affect you.  We also included a snapshot of what will happen if the situation progresses so that you are not surprised. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me directly at kat(at)muddysbakeshop(dot)com

Thank you so much for your patience,
Kat & the gnomies




Plan A: Effective Fri 3/13/20. Operations as normal + increased preventative measures

  • All locations continue normal operating hours.
  • Slightly reduced menu options
  • In the shops, we will use only disposable containers/dishware. Currently this is our to-go packaging (most of which is recyclable); we are getting some additional compostable plates, etc to supplement.
  • Samples- we are no longer offering the plate of samples, however our “sample anything” invitation stands! If you’d like to sample a product just ask a gnomie and we’ll be happy to oblige!
  • Social distancing- we are placing line markers on the floor to encourage guests to maintain the recommended distance from each other. We are also reducing customer seating to help encourage the recommended social distance.
  • Install two hand sanitizer stations in each shop for guest use and additional hand sanitizer pumps in staff areas.
  • Increased and scheduled sanitizing of all surfaces, seats, tabletops, pens, keyboards, ipads, door handles, etc throughout the day and a designated “champion” on each shift to ensure all disinfecting is thorough.
  • Increased diligence in using tongs, wax paper, etc for retrieving product; note: we are carefully stewarding our gloves as the CDC has issued an urgent plea for everyone to limit glove use so there are enough for frontline medical workers.
  • Drip coffee carafes no longer self-service. Carafes moved behind the counter; we still have free refills, just limiting the number of people handling the equipment.  (added 3.13 at 2:20pm)

Of course we are also taking lots of extra precautions in our production kitchen including but not limited to bakers staying in one work station and fully sanitizing the stations between each task, maintaining 6 feet of distance, cancelling/postponing tours & onsite events, etc.

Plans B-D: In case of emergency—we will notify customers via social media & update this page if any of this goes into action.  For now these are just contingency plans-- don't panic.

  • Plan B. If 3+ retail staff are unable to work due to illness, family quarantine, or even inability to find childcare due to school closures, we will be unable to operate two retail stores while maintaining extra security measures.  If this happens, we will close the Midtown store, consolidating retail operations to East Memphis.
  • Plan C. If we are further affected and a critical number of staff are unable to work, we will consolidate entire operation into Broad Ave Kitchen; opening a pop up shop in the “flex room”. Open hours to be determined based on staffing levels available.
  • Plan D. If closing entirely is mandated & necessary, we will maintain thorough communications with both staff and customers. Obviously Plan D is a last resort and we are doing everything in our power to prevent this, however we will not put our wellbeing as a business ahead of that of our city.



What if I placed a pre-order but now my event is cancelled?
Call us at 901-683-8844 or email orders(at)muddysbakeshop(dot)com and we will work with you to cancel or reschedule your order.  Please let us know as soon as possible so we don’t begin prepping your order.

Where can I find updates about hours, operational changes, etc?
We will edit this blog post as we go so you have access to whatever information is most current; we will also update our social media profiles.
If we need to institute any changes that would impact your pre-order pick up location or information, we will call the phone number on your order to speak with you directly.

I’m older/pregnant/high risk… can you bring my order to me in my car?
We are doing our best to accommodate our customers in whatever way they need.  Wait time may depend on staffing available in the moment, but give us a call and we will work with you to make arrangements.

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