In honor of the approaching Pi Day (3.14--get it?), the bakers here in Muddy's Kitchen have selected a pie even cookie lovers can get behind. Lovely customers and gentle readers, meet this week's Baker's Choice: Tollhouse Jack Pie!

The essence of the Tollhouse Jack is in its magical chocolate chip cookie filling spiked with bourbon. Like all of our pies, the Tollhouse Jack is encased in our signature buttery, flaky pie crust described in The New York Times as "rightly, a source of pride." Here's why our bakers are so passionate about the Tollhouse Jack Pie, in their own words.
It's got bourbon in it! -Bridget
The whisky really adds something to it. It's a chocolate chip cookie with a crust, with a kick! -Emily P.
It's very rich, super chocolatey with all those chocolate chips. And that whisky, mmm. -Agoud
It's like a chocolate chip cookie pie with bourbon. I'm a big bourbon drinker, so I REALLY appreciate that good bourbon flavor. -CJ
If that doesn't sell you on the Tollhouse Jack Pie, I don't know what will! But seriously, you aren't sold on the Tollhouse Jack, remember it's just one of a great lineup of pies we have this week in honor of Pi Day this Saturday. Click here to check out your other delicious options!
And while I have your attention, I hope you have tomorrow, March 11, marked in your calendars to attend Muddy's Book Club. At 6:00 PM we'll meet at Muddy's Bake Shop on Sanderlin to discuss this month's book (which is actually an online article, so don't let the reading material deter you from last minute plans)! Click for details, and we'll see you tomorrow for Book Club, and Saturday for Pi Day!