Free Virtual Bake-a-long for an Ice Day

Free Virtual Bake-a-long for an Ice Day


THU JAN 18, 3pm - 5ish

Join me (Kat) for an impromptu LIVE & interactive class from my home kitchen-- TWO recipes that are very accessible (no fancy, obscure ingredients and no special equipment needed!).  Bake along or just watch live and and bake later.  
And no need to measure your ingredients beforehand-- we'll measure during class :)  The class will cover both recipes and we may switch around timings of which parts of the recipe we do in what order.  Hope to see you soon!   XOXO, Kat

A super old-school, very basic cake -- simple chocolate cake + peanut butter glaze icing-- that you can whip up without a trip to the grocery store (probably).  
You'll need: 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour, baking soda, salt, 1 cup sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa powder, neutral oil (ie: veg, canola, sunflower), water, vanilla, 3-5 Tbl peanut butter, 3 Tbl butter, 3-5 Tbl milk (whole or 2% fine), a baking pan (8x8 preferred, but 8" or 9" round, 9x9", or even 9x13" ok-- I can show you how to adapt it)

Learn how to make rough puff! I'll be using some of mine to make cheesy puffs (because I have some cheese in the fridge), but we'll provide a couple other recipes for ways you can use your pastry.  
To make the puff pastry, you'll need: 2 sticks COLD butter, salt, 2 cups all purpose flour, cold water, rolling pin (or clean broom handle, wine bottle, etc) 
To use it for cheesy puffs, you'll also need: some "hard" cheese that can be grated (gouda, cheddar, manchego, parmesan, etc), olive oil or melted butter, salt & pepper, herbs if you like


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Zoom "Classroom" Info-- Class starts at 3pm!
Join Zoom Meeting HERE

Meeting ID: 837 7667 1573
Passcode: 171761
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