muddy's guiding principles: meaningful, fulfilling work

This month's Muddy's guiding principles series--featuring eight guest posts by eight great Muddy's gnomies--continues with a post by our super duper awesome driver (that is, the deliverer of happiness, sunshine, baked goods, and supplies to both of our locations), Wil!

I have only been working for Muddy’s for a few months now, but it is already without a doubt the best job I have ever had. Not because it’s easy (it’s not) or because the hours are so good (it depends on the week), but because every time someone asks what I’ve been up to lately, I get to tell them that I work for one of the best companies in the world.

Before working for Muddy’s, I wondered if the smiles on everyone’s faces and the intensely positive atmosphere were simply the product of good training. The cynic in me worried that if I were to learn anything about what goes on behind the scenes, I would be sorely disappointed, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Now whenever I am asked about my job, one of the first things I always say is that everyone is exactly as friendly as they seem. Everyone from Kat, the most approachable owner in the world, to Bridget and Emily, the most friendly and gracious bosses one could hope for, to the most welcoming and supportive set of coworkers I have ever had the pleasure of working alongside: they are all just perfect.

But that is nothing compared to the lengths to which Muddy’s goes to help its community and its employees. For instance, the most recent Gnome Camp included forums in which someone as new and as low on the totem pole as me could give suggestions about how to give back. I have never felt so heard by and proud of my place of work, as when I got to see the owner of the company and the newest baker on the team bounce ideas off of one another about how to improve our community. And it’s not all conceptual either: we have programs through which each employee is encouraged to spend a few hours a week helping a local charity, and our ROCWPC jar gives us and customers like you a chance to donate to worthy causes from around Memphis!

People smile at me more in public when I happen to be wearing one of my Muddy’s shirts, and while they could be reminiscing about their last encounter with a Here Comes Trouble or Prozac Cupcake, I have had conversations that suggest that they love how friendly and luminous the people are, how positive the culture surrounding it all is, and that Muddy’s is another entry in a long list of reasons why Memphis is a great place to be. I love my job, for these reasons and more, but mostly I love it because I have never had a job that has had me doing such meaningful, fulfilling work that I am always proud to do.

Oh, and the cupcakes are pretty great, too. 

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