one good intern...

Our frequent guests at Muddy's Grind House may have noticed that we recently had a fresh young face behind our counter. We enjoyed our time with intern Lily, an eighth grader from Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal School participating in her school's awesome internship program. Every eighth grader at Grace-St. Luke's is required to choose a business with which to do a three-day internship (in place of their winter exams, so you can imagine they are pretty stoked about this project)! We were honored to be selected by Lily, and even more honored that she agreed to an interview about her experience with us.

Why did you choose Muddy's Grind House?
I chose Muddy's Grind House because (1.) I love anything Muddy's, (2.) They have the best drinks, and (3.) I love baking. I got experience baking and [with] the amazing drink making. No one has interned at Grind House, and it was an original place to intern.

Was your time at Muddy's Grind House what you expected?
I expected it to be very fun and it was. I loved interning at a local business. I was nervous walking in, but once I started it was fine. (The only thing I wasn't prepared to do was stand. I was sore after the first day!)

What was your favorite thing about working there?
I loved the barista machine and the cash register (because it was an iPad.)

What skills did you learn from your time at the Grind House?
This helped my communication skills some. I am social, but I could use more social skills and this internship helped.

What is your favorite Grind House drink?
I tried a sip of a latte that I made and it was really good. My favorite beverage there is the hot chocolate! I really really like it. It is so good!

What's your favorite Muddy's treat?
TOMBOY cupcakes are the best, also the Vegan Chocolate-Peanut Butter Bars!

Anything else you'd like to share about the experience?
I just had an amazing time and I would recommend any rising 8th grader to intern at Muddy's Grind House!

We had an amazing time with you too, Lily! Good luck to you in all your future endeavors, and we hope you and your friends at Grace-St. Luke's will come see us soon for some hot chocolate and Tomboy Cupcakes.

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