we're feeling hot hot hot [tea] at the grind house this month...

We all know one of the greatest of holidays is quickly approaching--National Pie Day is this Friday, January 23rd! But did you know that January is National Hot Tea Month? We at Muddy's Grind House don't have any idea who decided this, but we don't think it matters too much. We'll take any excuse to drink more hot tea. Heck, we don't need an excuse to drink it, but we will take National Hot Tea Month as an opportunity to talk your ear off about one of the greatest drinks known to mankind!

The Grind House's own Katie is an especially passionate tea connoisseur, and she obliged me this week with an interview about one of her favorite topics!

So what's so awesome about hot tea?
I love it because not only is it delicious, but it comes in so many varieties that I can have a different kind of tea each day of the week without having scratched the surface.

What's your favorite way to indulge?
My favorite way to enjoy hot tea is with a blanket, a book, and my dog napping beside me on a rainy day! But I also enjoy bringing hot tea to the dog park to keep me warm while my dog socializes, and whenever I'm traveling, I love to find restaurants or hotels that have a formal afternoon tea. Those are always a fun way to try new teas and pastries!

What kind of tea do you sell at Muddy's Grind House?
We sell Paromi Tea. Paromi Teas are great because many of them are Fair Trade Certified, and their teas are blended in small batches, which ensures a very high quality product. 

And what varieties are available at the Grind House?
We currently have four varieties, but we will soon be expanding our tea menu, which is very exciting. First there's the Royal Breakfast, which is a traditional black tea, most commonly enjoyed with some milk and sugar. Then we have Earl Grey, a black tea with bergamot citrus essence and marigold blossom. Next we have a Hibiscus Berry, which is naturally caffeine free, and is a fantastic blend of blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, blackcurrant, and organic hibiscus. Lastly, we have Peppermint Green Tea, which contains just a small amount of caffeine. This tea contains fresh dried peppermint, and has a classic refreshing taste.

Which is your personal favorite?
My favorite is the Peppermint Green Tea. It has a tiny kick of caffeine, and the aroma instantly wakes me up and gets me ready to take on the day! 

Any particular Grind House goodie pairings you recommend with these yummy teas?
Royal Breakfast Tea is commonly enjoyed with a bit of lemon, so I recommend pairing it with our Lemon Poppyseed Muffin, or the Lemon Dainty shortbread cookie. Another great combination to try is our Orange Walnut Rosemary Muffin with a cup of Earl Grey tea. The bergamot citrus flavor in the tea compliments the orange in the muffin very nicely. 

Anything else on the Grind House menu you would recommend to a tea lover?
One of the most beloved drinks on our menu is the London Fog, AKA the Earl Grey Latte. The London Fog is Earl Grey tea combined with steamed milk and a hint of vanilla. It's one of my favorite drinks to enjoy during the colder months, and I find that it pairs nicely with our Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti.

It may be sacrilegious to ask this in a coffee shop, but why might you suggest a coffee drinker give hot tea a shot?
Well, not only does tea have infinitely more health benefits than coffee, but as I mentioned earlier, you can find a different variety of tea for whatever mood you're in!

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