Collection: Kat's Christmas Favorites

Decision-making can be overwhelming, so I've created a curated collection of the "best of the best" for this time of year (looking at you, Reindeer Bundt Cake)!

I hope you love them as much as I do. xoxo, Kat

Some friendly reminders for the holiday season...

Muddy's will be OPEN Wed-Fri 10-5:30 and Sat 10-4 PLUS Christmas Eve 10-2
We will stock the shop for walk-in as we are able, but of course our 1st priority will be preparing the goodies that folks have pre-ordered, so get your order in soon! 

Please note your pickup date & time slot in your calendar-- we bake fresh and the timetable during a holiday week is VERY precise.  If you arrive early, your order may not be ready yet!

P.S. Muddy's will be closed Christmas Day - January 3.